Wednesday, April 14, 2010

It's . Finally . Arrived

I can wear sandals every day now, without worry, + all of our spring flowers are starting to bloom, so I feel as though spring as officially arrived! Except that now I just want to spend each day staring at our flowers and working outside. The seedling for our herbs are starting to sprout, and even the cats (Nico and Ivy, respectively) seem happier!


drollgirl said...

look at your AMAZING FLOWER SHOTS!! and your GORGEOUS kitties! this is my kind of post!

HOORAY FOR SPRING! i kind of forgot how rad it can be! :)

Secondhand Stella said...


Its been nice here, but I heard it might snow this weekend. No!!!!

Marsi @ The Cottage Cheese said...

These shots are so beautiful! Thank you for sharing your garden and your kitties with us :) I can't wait to see more as spring progresses!